
The Benefits of Dried Apricots

It protects the heart, beautifies the skin…
It is very nutritious thanks to the fiber, vitamins and minerals it contains.
Just like fresh apricots, it is extremely beneficial for eye health.
Dried apricot is one of the few foods rich in boron mineral. Boron has a significant effect on bone health and provides support for the composition, structure and overall strength of bones. It can also prevent or alleviate bone disorders such as osteoporosis.

It contains important vitamins and antioxidants for skin health. It can reduce skin damage and the effects of aging.
Iron and copper in dried apricots can prevent anemia by contributing to the production of hemoglobin. About 3.5 mg of iron can be obtained from a glass of dried apricots. Although this amount is not enough for the daily need, the additional vitamin C in apricots will increase the absorption of this iron. Especially pregnant and menstruating women who are at risk of anemia are recommended to consume dried apricots regularly.
Potassium in dried apricots is three times the amount in bananas. The potassium it contains can help prevent hypertension.
It is high fiber. This fiber delays the movement of food as it passes through the digestive system, supporting digestive health by feeding the good bacteria in the intestines. It also prevents constipation.
Thanks to the antioxidants it contains, it can protect from many chronic diseases such as heart disease and diabetes.

In every 130 grams of dried apricots;
Energy 313 joule calories
Calcium 71.5 mg
No Sugar
Iron 3.5 mg
Dietary Fiber 9.5 g
Magnesium 41.6 mg
Protein 14.8 g
Potassium 1511 mg
Vitamin A 4686 IU
Sodium 13 mg
Vitamin C 1.3 mg
Zinc 0.5 mg
Vitamin E 5.6mg
Vitamin K 4.0 mcg (micrograms)

Important Note: Keep the product in a cool environment (refrigerator).